Hendi Hendi, Pramono Hari Adi, Saryono Saryono


Hospital accreditation is official recognition from the government to hospitals that already meet the standards of health care. To obtain the recognition, a hospital has to go through a sequential formal evaluation on compliance to the hospital quality standards. Post even, the accreditee shall receive feedback in the form of overview hospital performance in various aspects including human resources, facilities, funding and the organizational culture. On the top of all,  the accreditation system provides reassurance to customers and the public that the hospitals are providing high quality services according to standards. The research was done at hospitals Duta mulya Majenang. This study uses the same type of quantitative analysis methods descriptif analytic approach and cross sectional ,data analysis using SPSS. Samples were taken using the methodology of random probability sampling with simple random sampling. Sampling included the 15 doctors, pharmacists 3, 15 nurses, 16 midwives, nonmedical 30. In this study, using a questionnaire covering the career ladder, the addition of human resources, compliance with hospital facilities, remuneration system, an increasing of patients.

Keywords: Accreditation, Career path, Fulfillment facilities, increase of patients

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