Siti Jami'iaturochmah, Achmad Sudjadi, Ade Irma Anggraeni


Employee commitment is one of the determinants of the superiority of Government institutions in optimizing public services. This study aims to examine and analyze the role of organizational commitment in the relationship between the dimensions of justice organizations namely distributive justice, procedural justice, interactional justice and informational justice on individual performance . The study sample was taken from 89 employees of the Animal Husbandry Training Center - Batu UPT Ministry of Agriculture. The data taken is primary data collected by distributing questionnaires to respondents who have been chosen. Data analysis uses the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach . The results of this study indicate that effect of procedural justice, ter toward commitment organizational significant influence, the influence of distributive justice on employee performance significant influence, commitment, organizational on employee performance effect is not significant whereas the effect of distributive justice, interactional justice, informational justice to the commitment of organizational effect is not significant and that the effect of interactional justice, informational justice against employees performance has no significant effect . This research contributes to explaining the justice mechanism using four dimensions. Two dimensions of justice, informational and interactional, are perspectives that still require further testing in the context of public organizations. The practical implications of this study can provide a view of the leadership at the Animal Husbandry Training Center - Batu UPT Ministry of Agriculture about the effect of justice on individual performance of workers so that the results of the research can be a consideration to improve performance for the advancement of the goals of the organization.


Keywords: Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice, Interactional Justice, Informational Justice, Organizational Commitment, Employee Performance

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