Moh. Adam Mustholih, Suharno Suharno, Abdul Aziz Ahmad


Abstract. Sea Toll is a shipping lane which will connect one port with another which is located in Indonesia more specifically, is a lane that connects one island to another. The cruise lines that will be traversed by large-sized ships are not small motorboats that have been serving inter-island connectivity. The existence of large vessels is expected to be able to increase human activities, and goods in regions or provinces that require sea transportation modes as the primary mode of transportation will increase. This increase will undoubtedly be accompanied by an emphasis on transportation and logistics costs so that eventually it will be able to increase the activities of small traders so that it can further increase sales profits from the impact of the sea toll. Inter-island or provincial connectivity will certainly reduce the scarcity of commodities that have been experienced by certain islands or provinces. If the scarcity of this commodity is successfully reduced then commodity prices will certainly decrease. The decline in prices of certain commodities will certainly make equitable development easy to achieve, which will ultimately improve people's welfare. On the other hand, the ease of connectivity will contain islands that have been left behind by their development so far, so that people living on the island will improve their welfare.This paper seeks to analyze and at the same time, try to answer the problems of the State of Indonesia, which has a considerable potential of marine wealth that can be used for people's welfare. Only, this potential has not been accompanied by the readiness of competent human resources (HR) to empower the maritime sector. The 2010 population census data states, the population of Indonesia is 237,556,363 people. Of these, only 2,313,006 people are involved in the maritime field. The territory of Indonesia alone is 2/3 of the sea, so it is very necessary to be maintained and appropriately managed. For this reason, more maritime sector players are needed to manage Indonesia's marine potential. It is ironic as a maritime country, but only 1% of those involved in the maritime sector. Sustainable maritime development will not be achieved without a maritime culture. For this reason, a strategy is needed to develop the nation's maritime culture, namely the ideal culture to adapt to the character of the sea.

 Keywords:Sea Toll, Connectivity, Development Equity, Human Resources, Maritime Industry.

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