Anindita Ratnawati Aditya, Yeshika Alversia


The current changes in people's lifestyles that lead to mobile working have resulted in workers not always having to stay in the office to work, they can work anywhere as long as there is an internet connection. This is one of the reasons why cafes are becoming increasingly popular and making the level of competition become tighter. This is what makes cafe business must be able to maintain customer loyalty, due to the characteristics of consumers tend to try new things or places. The customer’s decision making is affected by various factors such as other customer reviews, review platforms, and property characteristics as well as the customers profile itself. In this context, research was conducted to determine the impact of online reviews on social media platform on consumer’s purchase intention in choosing first visited cafe. This study referred to the former research model and empirically tested by collecting data from questionnaires that were distributed using online survey. Six features of online reviews content and one source attribute were identified, namely usefulness, reviewer expertise, timeliness, volume, positive online reviews, negative online reviews, and comprehensiveness. Regression analysis was used to examine the impact of these attributes on consumer purchase intention. The results of the regression analysis that showed significant relationships between variables are usefulness, reviewer expertise, volume, negative online reviews, comprehensiveness, along with property characteristics on consumer’s purchase intention. The results of this study can be used by cafe entrepreneurs to develop their strategies for engaging potential customers. Cafe entrepreneurs can pay more attention to the most encouraging factors that attract customers to make purchasing decisions.

Keywords: Online review, electronic word-of-mouth, social media platform, cafe, purchase intention

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