Diana Ofintan, Siti Mahmudah, Deanada Nursolawati, Tri Nur Wahyudi


Abstract. E-commerce is a transaction process through the internet by merchants and buyers. The transaction covers from the purchase, sale, product marketing and payment system. E-commerce ease batik merchant using the online system. But, not all merchants use e-commerce yet, so the benefits cannot spread intensively. The main hindrance is the lack of technology insight on elderly batik merchant. Therefore the influence of e-commerce becomes less efficient because some merchant still use conventional way. This study aimed to to know batik merchant impression of e-commerce efficiency. The qualitative descriptive method was used in this study. Research sample consisted of 93 batik merchants who use e-commerce. The data collection was observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis used triangulation. Data analysis technique consists of data reduction, data presentation, data conclusions and verification. The research found that there are some benefits for merchant efficiency by using e-commerce. The first benefit is from location aspect. The merchant does not need to make shop branch to expand the business. Moreover, the goods  can be kept at home if needed. Second, from financial aspect. The merchant does not need to have many employee because e-commerce is optimized to be handled in with few personnel. The budget for employee salary can be budgeted for another needs. In addition, for convenience aspect, e-commerce transaction can be done anywhere and anytime because it works digitally.

Keywords: E-commerce, wholesale merchant, efficiency

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