I Gusti Ngurah Arya Dananjaya, Ari Yanuar Ridwan, Mohammad Deni Akbar


Abstract. Supplier selection is one of the activities that needs to be considered by the company because 50-90% company’s turnover is obtained from purchasing activities. Supplier selection belongs to the multi criteria decision making (MCDM) problem because there are various criteria, sub-criteria and various alternative supplier which need to be considered. supplier selection activities contain qualitative and quantitative elements, qualitative elements focus on weighting criteria and sub-criteria while quantitative focuses on the weight of supplier offers. To choose supplier optimally will be difficult if the company does not have the tools to find the weight of criteria, sub-criteria and supplier offers. This study proposed a decision support system design that able to help companies choose suppliers using the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) and the weighted sum model (WSM) method on various criteria, sub-criteria and alternative suppliers. To know the weight of each criteria and sub-criteria that be based to select supplier use FAHP, that can decompose multi criteria decision making (MCDM) to be a hierarchy and determine consistency ratio of expert judgement assessment in criteria and sub-criteria. WSM used to change all sub-criteria becomes a unitary weight and find the weight of each supplier on all sub-criteria and WSM used to aggregation the global weight and supplier offer weight to be final score and find the supplier rank. This study shows the correlation of manual data processing, function in system to processing data and front-end to show the layout of system. The result of this study is a supplier selection system using CodeIgniter Framework, XAMPP, PHP and HTML languages.

Keywords: Decision support system, fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP), weighted sum model (WSM), multi criteria decision making (MCDM), supplier, criteria, sub-criteria.

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