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Susi Hendriani, Machasin


University of Riau as a leading educational institution in Riau have a role in
creating reliable human resources. Various efforts continue to be made by the academic
community of the University of Riau to improve the quality of infrastructure and human
resources that are expected to create maximum service to the people / students.
The purpose of the implementation of this study was to assess the quality of
services to build public / students trust to the university as a provider of educational
services and as a means for improvement of service.
Overall assessment of the results of index services at the University of Riau,
faculty, and 5 other units then obtained some conclusions. A total of 14 elements into
the study variables, the index value obtained is equal to 3.16 with IKM value is equal to
78.95. In general, these results belong to the category of good value. The highest
element is obtained in the variable "Kewajaran Biaya Pelayanan" with the index value
of 3.26, while the lowest value was in the variable "Prosedur Pelayanan" with a value
of 2.95.
In general, the quality of service to all objects of research are in good category.
However there are some objects that received grades below the average value of the
university, namely the Pusat Komputer, with an index value of 2.78 and a value of 69.53
IKM. Then, in the LPM, with a score of 2.88 with IKM value of 72.09. This suggests that
the two institutions should be a concern in the improvement of service to the level of
quality of service at the University of Riau forward.

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Performance by Fakultas Ekonomi & Bisnis, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia