Evaluasi Kebijakan Ekonomi Regional Jawa Timur Dengan Pendekatan Analisis Klaster Lapangan Usaha dan Industri

Mohtar Rasyid




One of the important issues in regional economic development is mapping the economic potentials based on economic criteria relevant. During this time of economic mapping is more often based on aspects of growth (GDP) alone without including the various aspects or other relevant variables. By using the case of East Java's economy, this paper aims to map areas of potential industrial sectors simultaneously using several indicators such as the number of companies, labor, input values, and the value added taxation. The results showed that out of a number of industry sectors that were analyzed can be formed three clusters. One prominent cluster is a cluster of food, beverages and tobacco if the results (Cluster A). Clusterization can also be done on the characteristics of each city /county. The calculations show that there are two types of cluster areas that stand out the types of agriculture and industry type. Mapping the region by cluster-type area and the industrial sector is very important for the interest of regional development planning.

Keywords: Cluster Industrial, Industrial Cluster, Regional Planning

DOI: https://doi.org/10.20884/1.erjpe.2015.10.2.744


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Print ISSN : 1907-6827   Online ISSN : 2620-8849

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