Strategi Pengembangan Desa Wisata Limbasari Kecamatan Bobotsari Kabupaten Purbalingga

Wedi Wirajati, Sudjarwanto Sudjarwanto


This research was entitled “Strategy of Developing Rural Tourism in Limbasari Bobotsari District Purbalingga Regency”. The purpose of this research to receive the description about situation surrounding rural tourism in Limbasari both internal and external and also to have alternative for the strategy that could be apply to develop the rural tourism in Limbasari. The type of this research was descriptive qualitative and quantitative. Based data for this research are primary data and secondary data obtainable from interview the subject, questioner, and publication. The analysis method are used is SWOT analysis to formulate the strategy. SWOT analysis was strategic scheming method used for evaluate the strength, weaknesses, opportunity, and also threat under business project or speculation business.  The results of this research used IFE matrix and EFE matrix showed IFE matrix total value is 3,64 and EFE matrix total value is 3,71. Both total value are used for IE and SWOT matrix analysis. IE matrix used for analyze whole total value and the result showed rural tourism in Limbasari located in cells I (one) means Limbasari could use growth and development strategy such as intensive or integrative strategy. Based on SWOT analysis there are five strategy of SO, eight strategy of WO, four strategy of ST, and four strategy of WT. The implication from this research is rural tourism in Limbasari be expected to upgrade human resources in order to develop the rural tourism more better and professional by join the training rural tourism, study comparative to another rural tourism that more developed, and also increase awareness villagers against tourism are potential by doing socialization about the village itself. The developers should increase facilities and infrastructures for the visitors such as trash can, hygiene sign, toilet, transportation, food and beverages hall, gifts and souvenir shop, and information sign about the location in tourism place to increase the visitors interest. The utilization of information technology should increase too as tools to introduce and promote the potentials from the tourism place to the public.

Keywords: Strategy, Rural Tourism, Limbasari, IFE, EFE, IE, SWOT



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Print ISSN : 1907-6827   Online ISSN : 2620-8849

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