Factors Affecting PDAM Water Demand of Household “A” Category in Purworejo Regency
This research aimed to analyze the effect of income, water price, number of family members, and the ownership of water source, as well as the most influential variable to PDAM demand water of household “A” category in Purworejo regency Banyuurip branch. Population in this research was PDAM subscribers of household “A” category in Banyuurip sub-district by 67 subscribers. The tecnique of data analysis used a multiple linear regression with Ordinary Least Square method (OLS). The analysis result indicated that water price and ownnership of other water source had a negative and significant effect, while the number of family member had positive but insignificant effect, and the income had insignificant effect to PDAM water demand of household “A” category in Banyuurip sub-district.
Keywords: PDAM Water Demand, Income, Water Price, Number of Family Members, Ownership of Other Water Resources.
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