Economic Empowerment of Local Community around Cipendok Tourist Attraction in Banyumas Regency


  • Abdul Aziz Ahmad Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Emmy Saraswati Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Dijan Rahajuni Universitas Jenderal Soedirman



Curug Cipendok is one of natural tourism destinations in Banyumas Regency. As an icon of Banyumas tourism destination, the development of Curug Cipendok has the potentials to increase economic benefit to local communities. Related to the tourism development program based on ecological conservation and effort to provide economic contribution to local community in the surrounding area, this research made an attempt to describe how the tourism object would generate benefit to the local community. This research found out that local community considered that the development project of Curug Cipendok tourist attraction has not provided direct impact to the economic benefit. The community has received indirect impact such as street maintenance and other transportation infrastructure. Related to strategies to develop the economy of local community at Cipendok area the policies to be implemented are; 1) synchronizing interests of local government and PT Perhutani to optimize the utilization of natural forest to local community in ecological conservation scheme; 2) leading to active collaboration among local government and PT Perhutani involving university and private sector to establish strategies, and implementing the strategies to support in creating creative industrial products and increase farming value added to local community; and 3) developing regulation focusing on environmental support capability to control any negative impacts of tourism development, including protection to local heritage.

Keywords: Curug Cipendok, Local Community, Ecological Conservation, Local Heritage.


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