Analysis of Demand in Mount Salak Endah Tourism Object in Bogor Regency
This research was to find out how is the demand to visit Mount Salak Endah tourism object. From the results of demand analysis of Mount Salak Endah tourism object, it was obtained that: a) length of journey had a negative effect on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object with a coefficient value of -0.753; b) length of journey to other similar tourism object (Puncak) had a positive effect on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object with a coefficient value of 0.501; c) perception of admission ticket price to other similar tourism object (Puncak) had a negative effect on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object with a coefficient value of -0.310; d) perception of tourism facilities in Mount Salak Endah had a positive effect on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object with a coefficient value of 0.314; and e) perception of culinary in Mount Salak Endah had a positive effect on the number of visits to Mount Salak Endah tourism object.
Keywords: Mount Salak Endah, Demand of Tourism Object, Travel Cost Method, Perception of Tourism Facilities, Perception of Culinary.
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