Analysis of Efficiency and Effectiveness of Village Fund Management (Empirical Study of Village Funds in Dukuhwaluh Village, Banyumas Regency, 2019-2020)
This study aims to analyze the level of efficiency, effectiveness, and determine the impact of Village Fund management in Dukuhwaluh Village, Kembaran District, Banyumas Regency in 2019-2020. The data collection technique used in this research is the Mix Method, which is to analyze the realization of expenses, revenue, and budget data by using efficiency ratio and effectivity ratio for quantitative analysis. Observations, interviews, and documentation were conducted for qualitative analysis. The research was conducted in Dukuhwaluh Village, Kembaran District, Banyumas Regency. The selection of information is done purposively and uses snowball sampling where the selection of information is based on the consideration that information is the most knowledgeable about the problems studied by researchers and can be obtained conical answers. The results of this study indicate that the efficiency level of Village Fund management in Dukuhwaluh Village, Kembaran District, Banyumas Regency in 2019 is 99.06% and in 2020 it is 98.2%. For the effectiveness of Village Fund management in Dukuhwaluh Village, Kembaran District, Banyumas Regency in 2019 it is 100% in the Village Development Implementation Sector and Village Community Empowerment Sector and in 2020 it is 100% in the Village Administration Sector, Village Development Implementation Sector, and the Disaster Management, Emergency and Village Urgency. The impact felt by the residents of Dukuhwaluh Village, Kembaran District, Banyumas Regency showed positive results in both years.
Keywords: Efficiency; Effectivity; Impact; Village Fund; Dukuhwaluh VillageReferences
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