The Effect of Motivation and Perception of Attractiveness on Visiting Decisions Mediated by Visiting Interest

Ria Anjela, Monica Rosiana, Ekaningtyas Widiastuti, Werdha Candhratrilaksita


This research was conducted in order to determine the effect of motivation, perception of attractiveness, and visiting interest as an intervening variable on the visiting decisions to Taman Wisata Bukit Asri, Windujaya Village, Kedungbanteng District, Banyumas Regency. The sample size consists of 150 respondents with purposive sampling through a Likert scale questionnaire. Respondents in this research were visitors who came to Taman Wisata Bukit Asri, Windujaya Village. Data analysis used Structural Equation Model (SEM) with AMOS and Sobel Test for the significance of mediation. The results showed there was no effect of motivation and perception of attractiveness on the visiting decisions through visiting interest so it can be said there was no mediation relationship in this research. The conclusions of this research prove that 1) motivation and perception of attractiveness have a positive and significant effect on visiting interest, 2) motivation and perception of attractiveness have not a significant effect on visiting decisions, 3) motivation and perception of attractiveness have no effect on visiting decisions through visiting interest.

Keywords: Motivation; Perception of Attractiveness; Visiting Interest; Visiting Decisions; Windujaya Village.

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