Holistic Model Antesenden Orientasi Brand dan Peningkatan Pelayanan terhadap Kinerja Resort Pasca Pandemi COVID-19


  • Intan Shaferi
  • Rio Dhani Laksana
  • Alisa Tri Nawarini
  • Dian Purnomo Jati


This study examines a holistic model of the antecedents and consequences of brand orientation and service improvement in the context of the tourism industry. The consequence of service improvement, on the other hand, is a sub-dimension of resort performance. Research population data were collected from 105 resort managers in Central Java Province and Special Region of Yogyakarta through an online questionnaire technique. The study used the PLS-SEM method of testing. The result shows that tourist orientation has a positive effect on resort brand orientation and service improvement. While competitor orientation has a positive effect on brand orientation, it does not have a direct effect on service improvement. There is a positive relationship between brand orientation and service improvement. Service improvement improves customer performance from management. While it has no direct effect on the economic performance of the company. The indirect effect hypothesis suggests that competitor orientation influences behavior improvement services through brand orientation. Meanwhile, service improvement and economic performance relationship are mediated by customer performance, and customer orientation and economic performance relationship with brand orientation.


Keywords: resort performance, brand orientation, service improvement, customer orientation, competitor orientation.



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