Improving The Selling Value Of Msme Products Through Halal Product Certification

Nurul Farida, Tri Kurniastuti, Bambang Septiawan


Halal certificates are one of the requirements for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises or MSMEs to market and distribute their products according to the rules regarding halal certificates in Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Guaranteed Halal Products. The existence of a halal certificate is one of the factors that can improve MSME products for having value added in order to be able to penetrate the global market. The increasingly global marketing area demands that products have better quality, safe and healthy in accordance with the wishes and criteria of consumers. One of the important criteria for consumers is the guarantee of the halalness of the products they will buy with proof of the halal label listed on the product. The benefits of halal certificates can increase consumer confidence, gain market share and can develop business competitiveness. By having a halal certificate, MSME products will be more accepted in the market, especially among Muslim consumers, both in the domestic market and in the international market.

Keywords: Sale value, MSME Products, Halal Certification.

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