Environmental Concern, Environmental Knowledge, And Purchase Intention Of Eco-Friendly Products With Environmental Attitudes As A Mediating Variable

Budi Suryowati, Fanny Suzuda Pohan


In 2017, the results of WWF-Indonesia and Nielsen survey show that 63% of Indonesian consumers are willing to consume eco-friendly products at higher prices. The willingness of the domestic market to accept goods made sustainably is demonstrated by the huge rise in consumer knowledge of the use of environmentally friendly items. The Rakuten Insight Center in 2022 conducted a survey with 10,886 respondents, it was noted that 64 percent of respondents considered purchasing environmentally friendly products a very important matter and 29 percent of respondents considered it rather important. Meanwhile, 6 percent of respondents thought purchasing environmentally friendly products was not too important and 1 percent thought it was not important at all. This study aims to find out how environmental concern and knowledge affect the purchasing intention of eco-friendly products through environmental attitudes as a mediation variable (case study on students of Universitas Trilogi in Jakarta). Data analysis using SEM PLS revealed The R-square value of purchase intention of eco-friendly products is 0.871, meaning that 87.1% from purchase intention of eco-friendly products can be explained by the variables Environmental Concern, Environmental Knowledge, and Environmental Attitudes and the remaining 12.9% is explained by other variables outside the model. The environmental concern does not directly affect to purchase intention eco-friendly products but indirectly through environmental attitude as a mediating variable, theres’s an effect. Evenwhile knowledge of the environment either directly or indirectly have affect the purchasing intention eco-friendly products


Keywords: Environmental Concern, Environmental Knowledge,  Purchase Intention, Environmental Attitude.

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