Social Performance And Environmental Performance On Company Value With Financial Performance As Intervening Variables At Idx30 Indonesia Stock Exchange 2020-2022

Dede Suharna, Furniawan Furniawan, Ela Widasari


Companies today are increasingly realizing the importance of social and environmental responsibility in their operations. Social performance and environmental performance refer to the company's ability to fulfill its responsibilities towards the surrounding community and environment. This study aims to examine the effect of social performance and environmental performance on firm value, with financial performance as the intervening variable. Companies that perform well socially and environmentally tend to create higher value for their stakeholders. However, it is important to understand how financial performance can mediate the relationship between social and environmental performance and firm value. The variables used in this study are social performance and environmental performance as independent variables, financial performance as the intervening variable, and firm value as the dependent variable. This research is quantitative. The data source in this study is secondary data which retrieves data on the financial statements of companies listed on the IDX30 Index on the Indonesia Stock Exchange obtained through the official website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The number of samples used amounted to 16 companies. The data analysis technique used is path analysis using Eviews 12 software. Social Performance has a significant effect on financial performance. Environmental performance has a significant effect on financial performance. Social Performance does not affect Company Value. Environmental Performance does not affect Firm Value. Financial Performance does not affect Firm Value. Social Performance and Environmental Performance have a significant effect on Financial Performance. Social Performance, Environmental Performance, and Financial Performance do not affect Company Value.


Keywords: Social Performance; Environmental Performance; The value of the company; Financial performance

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