Analysis Of Ananas Comosus L. Merr Farming Income And Contribution To Farmer Household Income In Beluk Village, Belik Sub-District, Pemalang Regency

Audrey Pangestika Syaharani, Istiqomah Istiqomah, Barokatuminalloh Barokatuminalloh


This study entitled "Analysis of ananas comosus l. merr Farming Income and Its Contribution to Farmer Household Income in Beluk Village, Belik District, Pemalang Regency". The results showed that: 1) The average income of Ananas Comosus L. Merr farming in Beluk Village was IDR 24,766,459.00/one season, 2) The contribution of ananas comosus l. merr farming to farm household income was 45.66%, meaning that the contribution moderate between 35-70%, 3) The feasibility of ananas comosus l. merr farming based on the R/C ratio of 4.37> 1 means that the farming is feasible or profitable while based on the Break Even Point (BEP) analysis it meets the criteria where acceptance> BEP Price and Production>BEP Production so that ananas comosus l. merr farming is categorized as feasible or profitable. The implication of this research is that the government can conduct counseling related to the use of production factors such as the number of seeds and the use of appropriate fertilizers in accordance with standard operating procedures (SOP) regarding the cultivation of ananas comosus l. merr so that the plants are well nourished and produce quality production, farmers can make improvements ananas comosus l. merr quality by paying attention to standard operating procedures (SOP) determined to minimize the amount of low quality fruit production, and the government should give directions to ananas comosus l. merr farmers to work with breeders related to organic fertilizers in order to get more affordable prices thus minimizing production costs and providing certainty to get the fertilizer.


Keywords: Contribution, Feasibility, Agribusiness, Break Even Point.

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