The Effect Of Corporate Governance And Leverage On Company Value In Primary Consumer Goods Sector Companies Listed On The Indonesia Stock Exchange (Idx) For The Period 2018-2022

Muhammad Faqih Chairurrijal Muttaqin, Ela Widasari, Nur Laelah


Increasing company value is an achievement by the wishes of the owner because, increasing company value, will attract more investors’ confidence to invest in the business. In addition, the high value of the company will also increase the confidence of creditors to provide additional capital in the form of loans for the company. This study will examine the impacts of institutional proprietorship, independent commissioners, audit committee, and leverage (DAR) of Primary Consumer Goods Sector Companies' Cost to Book Value (PBV) listed on the IDX for the time period 2018–2022 will be tested and analyzed. This research employed a quantitative approach using secondary data. Purposive sampling was employed in the sampling procedure, and 30 firms were used as study samples. Multiple linear regression is the analytic method, and the tools are from IBM SPSS Statistic 22. According to this study's findings The independent commissioner variable's results from the t-test significantly affects Company Value (PBV). The audit committee, institutional proprietorship, and leverage (DAR) have no appreciable effects on company value (PBV). Following that, the F test showed that the factors institutional proprietorship, independent commissioners, audit committee, and leverage (DAR) were significant, all had an impact on Company Value (PBV) at the same time.


Keywords: Institutional Proprietorship, Independent Commissioner, Audit Committee, Leverage, and Company Value.

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