The Effect Analysis Of Fiscal Decentralization On Gross Regional Domestic Product Per Capita Through Regional Expenditures Kuningan In 2004 - 2020

Tatang Sukma Wijaya, Abdul Aziz Ahmad, Agus Arifin


In two decades, the implementation of regional autonomy in Indonesia has still not been entirely satisfactory. The phenomenon that arises from the implementation of this policy is the high level of dependence of local governments on transfer funds from the center, resulting in regions becoming less independent from the revenue side, which is reflected in the low value of original local government revenue and the high transfer funds from the center. The purposes of this study are to analyze regional financial independence and the influence of variables, namely original local government revenue, transfer funds from the center, capital expenditures, operational expenditures, and gross regional domestic product per capita Kuningan in 2004 – 2020. This research was carried out using secondary data and analyzed by the degree of fiscal decentralization and multiple linear regression. Results of the research conclude that due to the degree of fiscal decentralization, Kuningan is included in the "Very Insufficient" category with a value of 8.31 percent, which indicates that the level of regional financial independence is classified as low or "Less Independent". In addition, through multiple linear regression, original local government revenue variable does not have a significant effect on capital expenditures but has a positive effect on operational expenditures, while transfer funds from the center have a significant and positive effect on capital and operation expenditures in Kuningan. Furthermore, capital expenditures have no significant and negative effect on the gross regional domestic product per capita of Kuningan, while operational expenditures have a significant and positive effect.


Keywords: Regional Financial Independence, Original Local Government Revenue, Kuningan

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