Factors Influencing Labor Demand In Small And Micro Convection Manufacturing Industry In Tembok Banjaran Village, Adiwerna District, Tegal Regency

Nurokhmi Faizah, Dedi Supriadi, Bambang Bambang


The textile product industry or the convection industry in Adiwerna District is one of the small and micro industries that employs a significant number of workers. The convection industry is concentrated in the villages of Tembok Banjaran, Tembok Kidul, Tembok Lor, and Tembok Luwung. There are more small convection businesses in Tembok Banjaran compared to Tembok Kidul. However, the number of workers employed by the small convection industry in Tembok Kidul is higher than in Tembok Banjaran. The research aims to analyze the influence of wages, output value, and technology on the demand for labor in the small and micro convection industry in Tembok Banjaran, Adiwerna District, Tegal Regency. The data used in this research are primary data, and the data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that wages do not have a significant influence on labor demand, while output value has a significant positive influence on labor demand. There is no significant difference in the average labor demand between industries with complete machine technology and industries with incomplete machine technology. The implication of this research is the need for efforts to develop small and micro industries into medium or large industries. Increasing the scale of the industry will lead to increased output and increased labor demand.

Keywords: Labor Demand, Small and Micro Convection Industry, Wages, Output Value, Technology.

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