The Influence Of Online Customer Review And Rating On Purchase Decision With Purchase Intention As A Mediating Variable (Study on MSME Consumers of Geprek Chicken in Indonesia)

Doni Suwandoyo, Monica Rosiana, Lusi Suwandari, Wahju Indah Anggraeni


Research titled " The Influence Of Online Customer Review And Rating On Purchase Decision With Purchase Intention As A Mediating Variable”. aims to determine the effect online customer review and rating on purchasing decisions with purchase intention as a mediating variable for geprek chicken consumers in Indonesia. The sample in this study amounted to 121 respondents with a sampling technique using purposive sampling. Based on the results of research conducted using analysis Structural  Equation Modeling (SEM) processed with software AMOS shows that: (1) Online  Customer Review positive effect on Purchase Decision (2) Online Customer Rating  does not influence the Purchase Decision (3)Online Customer Review influential positive towards Purchase Interest (4)Online Customer Rating does not affect Purchase Intention (5) Purchase Intention has a positive effect on Purchase Decision (6) Purchase Intention can mediateOnline Customer Review on Purchase Decision (7) Buying Interest cannot mediate Online Customer Rating to the Purchase Decision.

Keywords: Online Customer Review, Online Customer Rating, Purchase Interest, Purchase Decision.

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