The Influence Of Organizational Support On Innovative Behavior, Mediated By Work-Life Balance

Ruby Faozan Qomaruzzaman, Achmad Sudjadi, Ahmad Heryawan


This research is a study on coffee shop employees in Purwokerto. This research takes the title: "The Influence of Organizational Support on Innovative Behavior, Mediated by Work-Life Balance". The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of organizational support on innovative behavior, the effect of organizational support on work-life balance, the effect of work-life balance on innovative behavior, and the mediating role of work-life balance variables. The population in this study were all coffee shop employees in Purwokerto. The number of respondents taken in this study was 119 respondents. Random sampling method was used in determining respondents.

Based on the results of research and data analysis using using regression analysis, shows that: (1)organizational support has a positive effect on innovative behavior, (2)organizational support has a positive effect on work-life balance, (3)work-life balance has a positive effect on innovative behavior, (4)Work-life balance acts as a mediating variable in the relationship between organizational support and innovative behavior.

The implication of the above conclusion is that in an effort to increase employee innovative behavior, coffee shops need to pay attention to the balance of work and life of employees, and provide good organizational support.

Keyword : Innovative Behavior; Organizational Support; Work-Life Balance; Employee; Café


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