The Influence Of Online Communities And Social Media E-Wom On Purchase Intention With Brand Trust As A Mediation Variable

Dina Anantya Rezki Putri, Alisa Tri Nawarini, Chandra Suparno, Suparjito Suparjito


One of the options in online marketing that is in demand by business actors such as MSME is by using social media. One of the social media that is widely used by Indonesian people is Twitter. Ion88 food stall is a food stall that is widely recommended in @Unsoedfess1963 Twitter account. This recommendation comes from Twitter users who have visited the food stall and are satisfied with their eating experience. Type of Research is quantitative research using survey methods. Sampel Size Criteria Requires 190 respondents. The sample criteria in this study are Twitter users who follow @unsoedfess1963, the one has already knew about the information of Ion88 food stalls, and make purchases within the last 6 months at Ion88 food stalls. AMOS software is used to test the collected data. The analytical method to be used is validity, reliability and hypothesis testing using a structural equation model (SEM). This study shows that of all the hypotheses found a positive and significant influence. This research was conducted with the aim of providing an explanation of the magnitude of the influence of online communities and E-WOM on social media on purchase intention with brand trust as a mediation variable. It aims to help companies or MSME who want to take advantage of the social media that exists in Indonesia in developing products and making new products or promotions.


Keywords: electronic word of mouth (E-WOM), online communities, brand trust, purchase intention

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