The Effect Of The Role Of Business Location, Service Quality, And Customer Experience On Repurchase Intention With Customer Satisfaction As A Mediating Variable

Reza Tri Hartadi, Alisa Tri Nawarini, Chandra Suparno, Ahmad Heryawan


This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of business location, service quality, and customer experience on repurchase intentions with customer satisfaction as a mediating variable for Takoyaki Secret Purwokerto customers.


The type of data used is primary data using a questionnaire. The number of samples used in this study amounted to 170 research samples. The sampling technique uses the methodpurposive sampling based on certain criteria. The results of the study using AMOS version 24 show that: (1) Business location has a positive effect on repurchase intention, (2) Service quality has a positive effect on repurchase intention, (3) Customer experience has a positive effect on repurchase intention, (4) Business location does not have a positive effect on customer satisfaction, (5) Service quality has a positive effect on customer satisfaction, (6) Customer experience has a positive effect on customer satisfaction, (7) Customer satisfaction has a positive effect on repurchase intentions, (8) Customer satisfaction does not mediate a positive effect business location on repurchase intention, (9) Customer satisfaction mediates the positive effect of service quality on repurchase intention, (10) Customer satisfaction mediates the positive influence of customer experience on repurchase intention.


Keywords: Business Location, Service Quality, Customer Experience, Customers Satisfaction, Repurchase Intentions, SME.


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