A Literature Review : Human Capital In Education To Economic Growth

Gemawati Gemawati, Ramita Kholifaturrohmah


Economic growth is one of the economic indicators used to measure a country's economic development. One of the most important factors for economic growth is human capital. In human capital, it is explained that education is an important investment in human resources. Through education, a person will have superior knowledge and skills at work, be adaptable, be able to learn new tasks and skills more easily, and be able to use more advanced technology and equipment. Thus, education in human capital can contribute significantly to income and work productivity. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of human capital in education on economic growth. The research method is carried out by studying the literature on theories and articles on human capital in education and economic growth. The results of the study show that human capital in education influences economic growth, so the role of the government is needed to continue to invest in human capital in education.


Keywords: human capital, education, economic growth, human resources


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