The Influence Of Online Games, Time Management, And Peer Environment On Academic Procrastination
This research is a quantitative study using a survey approach. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of online games, time management, and peer environment on academic procrastination. The population consists of students from grade X Merdeka Belajar, XI Merdeka, and XI Mandiri at State Senior High School 4 Purwokerto who play online games. The sample size used was 136 students selected through Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling technique. The analytical method employed was multiple linear regression analysis. Questionnaire data obtained were transformed into interval data using the Method of Successive Interval (MSI). Based on the research findings and analysis using multiple linear regression, it was found that: (1) Online games have a negative influence on academic procrastination among students at State Senior High School 4 Purwokerto; (2) Time management has a negative influence on academic procrastination among students at State Senior High School 4 Purwokerto; and (3) Peer environment has a negative influence on academic procrastination among students at State Senior High School 4 Purwokerto. Students are encouraged to improve their time management skills and maintain a positive peer environment to reduce high levels of academic procrastination. Schools should continue to support and enhance monitoring of online gaming competitions, manage students’ phone usage during learning processes, and consider these research findings to explore other factors contributing to high levels of academic procrastination among students.
Keywords: Online Games, Time Management, Peer Environment, Academic Procrastination
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