Analysis Of Strategic Performance Measurement System On Managerial Performance With Role Stressor As A Mediator
An organization in carrying out its activities cannot be separated from employees. The performance of an employee can be influenced by various factors such as the work environment, infrastructure, production, health, work safety level, and mutual understanding that will lead them in one direction so that they have a maximum level of performance to achieve organizational goals. The theory used in this research is goal setting theory. This type of research is quantitative research which will also be explained through descriptive statistical analysis. The population and sample of this research are Open University employees with a minimum of education and located in Central Java - Yogyakarta. This research instrument uses a questionnaire calculated on a Likert scale, then the data will be processed using an application called SmartPLS. The results of this study state that strategic performance measurement system variable have a significant effect on role stressors. Furthermore, role stressors have a significant effect on managerial performance. Then, overall role stressors can mediate the relationship between the influence of the strategic performance measurement system on managerial performance. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for organizations to continue to improve their managerial performance while still paying attention to the variables that can affect it.
Keywords: Managerial Performance, Organizational Goals, Role Stressors, Strategic Performance Measurement System.
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