Stock Return Volatility Of Indonesian Stock Exchange: The Effect Of Macroeconomic, Corporate Performance, And Behavioral Factors
: This research aims to examine fundamental factors consisting of macroeconomic variables and company performance as well as behavioral factors regarding stock return volatility on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2016-2023 period. The population in this research is all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange based on 2020 data, totaling 724 companies. Based on calculations using the Slovin method, it was concluded that the minimum sample that must be taken from the population is 88 companies. The sampling method uses proportional stratified random sampling. Data analysis uses panel data regression. The results of data analysis show that from macroeconomic factors, gross domestic product and interest rates have a negative effect on stock return volatility, exchange rates have a positive effect on stock return volatility, while inflation has no significant effect on stock return volatility. The results of statistical tests on company performance factors show that return on equity has a negative effect on stock return volatility, while earnings per share and price to book value do not have a significant effect on stock return volatility. The results of statistical tests on behavioral factors show that the political risk index has a negative effect on stock return volatility, while the perception index has a positive effect on stock return volatility.
Keywords: Stock return volatility, macro economic variabel, corporate performance, behavioral factor
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