The Influence Of Harmony Passion And Obsessive Passion On Entrepreneurial Pro Social Motivation In Housewifes Context


  • Devani Laksmi Indyastuti


The aim of this study is to examine the influence of harmony passion and obsessive passion on entrepreneurial prosocial motivation. Prosocial motivation is desire to make a positive impact for other people or social communities. This study is conducted in housewives’ context. This study uses convenience sampling method, because there is no sample frame from housewives in Banyumas Regency. Hypotheses testing uses regression analyses. The results show that harmony passion positively influence on entrepreneurial pro social motivation, and obsessive passion does not influence on entrepreneurial pro social motivation. The conclusions imply that housewives’ entrepreneur that have harmony passion intent to make positive impact on society. Their business efforts do not just contribute for their own economic interest by their self, but also have purpose on society well-being.


Keywords: Harmony Passion, Obsessive Passion, Prosocial Motivation, Housewives Context


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