The Effect Of Managerial Ability And Intellectual Capital On Profitability And Its Impact On Firm Value
This research examines the effect of managerial ability, intellectual capital, profitability, and firm value. The population of this study is manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2019–2022. The research uses agency theory and resource-based view theory. The data type used is secondary data of annual reports and financial statements from each company. Samples were taken using the purposive sampling method. This study has 236 samples from 59 companies. The test results and data analysis using structural model analysis with SmartPLS software show that managerial ability and intellectual capital affect profitability but do not affect firm value. Profitability affects firm value and can mediate the relationship between managerial ability and intellectual capital through firm value. The effect on profitability proves that sales management by profitable managers and the costs for the welfare of the workforce that the company pays increase the value of the ROA ratio. The results also indicate that firm value could be influenced by managerial ability and intellectual capital through profitability first.
Keywords: Managerial Ability, Intellectual Capital, Profitability, Firm Value
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