Entrepreneurs' Digital Readiness: Encouraging Economic Growth In Banjarnegara Regency
MSMEs often struggle with limited marketing knowledge, particularly about the marketing mix, which is crucial for enhancing business performance. Understanding the marketing mix can help them better market their products, leading to increased sales and profits. Additionally, many MSMEs lack knowledge about digital marketing. Berta Village in Susukan District, Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java, is known for its natural beauty and cultural traditions. The Department of Education, Youth, and Sports organized entrepreneurship training in Berta, focusing on digital readiness for MSME players. The training included lectures, hands-on practice, open discussions, and Q&A sessions, encouraging active participation and two-way communication. To assess digital readiness, descriptive statistics, and reliability tests were used. The study involved 32 young participants, and the reliability test showed a Cronbach Alpha value above 0.70, indicating the data was reliable. The descriptive test results also showed that, on average, the youth strongly agreed on the importance of digital readiness for promoting economic growth in Banjarnegara.
Keyword: Digital Readiness, Entrepreneur, MSME’s
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