A Conceptual Framework For Assesing Sustainable Production And Consumption Behaviour In The Lampung Coffee Industry
The campaign on sustainability needs to be strengthened in order to mitigate the adverse environmental impacts on this planet. Behavioural researchers have conducted numerous studies on environmental issues. The commonly used theory of Behaviour is one that predicts ongoing intentions and Behaviours. However, existing research is still predominantly focused on the internal aspects of Behaviour, while the external aspects of Behaviour are given less attention. Therefore, the general aim of this research is to elucidate the integration of social cognitive theory and the method employed in this study is literature review. The Social Capital Theory is used to measure sustainable production and consumption Behaviour in the coffee sector. The integration of these two theories accommodates both the internal and external aspects of an individual's Behaviour, particularly for coffee farmers as producers and coffee consumers. The coffee sector is important to study given that coffee is a very vulnerable context in terms of sustainability aspects. This conceptual framework contributes to the development of sustainable Behaviour measurement.
Keywords: Sustainable Consumption and Production, Social Capital Theory, Social Cognitive Theory
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