Effectiveness Of Digital Marketing Campaigns With Artificial Intelligence In Indonesia: Literature Review
This study explores the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns in Indonesia through a comprehensive literature review. AI, with its big data analysis and machine learning capabilities, has revolutionized the way companies run their marketing campaigns. This research analyzes various existing literature to understand how AI is used to improve digital marketing performance, including in programmatic advertising, consumer behavior analysis, and content personalization. Findings from the literature review show that AI enables more effective marketing by increasing targeting precision, reducing advertising costs, and increasing consumer engagement levels. Apart from that, AI also helps in optimizing marketing strategies through predictive analysis and real-time adjustments based on collected data. Despite the many benefits, the research also identified key challenges in implementing AI, such as the need for high-quality data, large initial investments, and risks related to data privacy. This research concludes that AI has great potential to increase the effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns in Indonesia, but appropriate strategies are needed to overcome existing challenges.
Keywords: Artificial Intelegence, Digital Marketing
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