The Influence Of Business Risk On The Profitability Of Financing Companies On The Indonesian Stock Exchange Period 2018 – 2022


  • Aty Herawati
  • Jeni Agustini Saputri
  • Sumarsid Sumarsid


The net profit of finance companies increases when there is a decrease in financing disbursed by finance companies. The aim of this research is to analyze whether the implementation of business risks carried out by finance companies has an effect on profitability. The variables used as a measuring tool for the application of business risk are the application of operational risk as measured by BOPO, the application of liquidity risk as measured by FAR and the application of financing risk as measured by NPF. The research was conducted on 9 finance companies as samples taken using purposive sampling with the criteria of being listed on the IDX in 2018-2022 and periodically issuing complete financial reports. Data analysis was carried out using Panel Data Linear Regression Analysis. The conclusion from the analysis results is that there is a negative influence of BOPO on ROA, which means that the higher the operational costs, the lower the profit will be. There is a positive influence of LAR on ROA, which means that the higher the amount of financing distributed, the higher the profit obtained. Meanwhile, NPL has no effect on ROA.

Keywords: BOPO, FAR. NPF, ROA, Panel


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