The Effect Of Financial Performance And Environmental Performance On Company Value
The point of this inquire about is to look at how money related execution and natural execution in part or at the same time impact company esteem. This inquire about is an acquainted quantitative inquire about strategy. The populace in this think about could be a gather of mining companies enrolled on the IDX for the 2019-2022 period utilizing yearly information. The inquire about test utilized a purposive inspecting strategy to get 15 test companies, analyzed utilizing different direct relapse investigation. Halfway theory testing employments the t test and at the same time employments the F test. The comes about of this investigate are: 1) monetary execution comprising of Current Proportion and Return On Equity and Obligation to Value Proportion features a positive and noteworthy impact on Company Value. The settled resource proportion has no impact on company esteem, 2) Natural execution includes a noteworthy impact on company esteem, 3) Budgetary execution and natural execution have a noteworthy impact on company esteem.
Keywords: current ratio, debt to equity ratio; fixed assets turnover; return on equity; environmental performance; and firm value
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