Analysis Of Financial Behavior Of Generation Z In Cashless Society In Purwokerto
The majority of Indonesia's population is of productive age and is expected to be able to contribute to economic growth and improve social welfare. Gen Z can be used as an opportunity and challenge in the development of financial technology to support financial behavior. However, financial behavior is a problem in itself, reinforced by the results of the 2022 SNLIK survey which shows that the percentage of generation Z's financial behavior is lower than that of the millennial generation due to low financial literacy. Generation Z must actually have responsibility in managing their finances with the support of financial technology which is influenced by financial literacy, financial inclusion and lifestyle so as to create good financial conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the relationship between financial literacy, financial inclusion, lifestyle and financial technology as a moderation of financial behavior among Gen Z in Purwokerto. Based on the results of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis, it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between financial literacy, financial inclusion, lifestyle and financial technology on the financial behavior of Gen Z in Purwokerto.
Keywords: Financial Behavior, Financial Literacy, Financial Inclusion, Lifestyle, Financial Technology.
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