Identification Of Potential And Specialization Of Economic Sector In Brebes District


  • Dian Nora Herlina
  • Kikin Windhani


In order to realize equitable development and community welfare, it can be achieved by utilizing the potential and spatial advantages possessed by each region. The difference in the amount of contribution from each sector indicates that there are leading and weak sectors that need attention from the government. This study aims to determine the potential of economic sectors in Brebes Regency from 2018 to 2023. The research method used is quantitative method through Location Question (LQ) Analysis, Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ), Shift-Share, Growth Ratio Model (MRP), Overlay, and Klassen Typology. The results of LQ analysis show that there are basic and non-basic sectors, while the results of DLQ are all prospective sectors. In the overlay analysis there are sectors that have positive growth and contribution, negative growth and positive contribution and vice versa. The results of Klassen's typology show that the manufacturing sector is a prime sector, the agriculture and trade sectors are potential sectors, the mining and financial services sectors are underdeveloped sectors and other sectors are developing sectors. The implication of these findings is that local governments need to strengthen the dominant leading sectors for economic growth, develop specialized and competitive leading sectors, revitalize sectors that have experienced setbacks and diversify stagnant sectors to encourage growth.

Keywords: Economic Growth, Economic Sector, Class Typology.


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