Religions, Halal Knowledge And Interest In Buying Halal Packaged Food
This study aims to find out how the influence of Halal Religiosity and Knowledge on Halal Packaged Food Buying Interest. This study was conducted on Muslim consumers of halal packaged food in DKI Jakarta with a sample of 100 respondents obtained through the Slovin formula using the purposive sampling technique, data was collected through the distribution of questionnaires. The analysis method uses Structural Equation Modelling- Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of the tabulation of the frequency of respondents' answers revealed that the respondents' religiosity was seen from the response to the appreciation as a Muslim in carrying out daily activities based on religion and in interacting with others. Respondents have an excellent level of halal knowledge where they can understand, explain, and mention related to the halalness of the packaged food they consume. The results of the analysis with SEM-PLS showed that the Religiosity variable did not affect Consumer Buying Interest and the Halal Knowledge variable affected Consumer Buying Interest. The implications of this study have the potential to affect marketing strategies, consumer education, and product development related to halal packaged food products more broadly.
Keywords: Religiosity, Halal Knowledge, Buying Interest
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