Human Resource Development As An Important Factor In Economic Growth


  • Citra Ayu Arianing
  • Suharno Suharno


Increasing economic growth is inseparable from the role of quality human resources. This research aims to examine the influence of Life Expectancy Rate (AHH), Literacy Rate (AMA), Average Years of Schooling (RLS), Job Training (PK) as part of increasing the Human Development Index (HDI) and its relationship to Economic Growth (PE). The research objects are 34 provinces in Indonesia using path analysis as the research method. The results of this research are (1) Together AHH, PK, RLS and AMA have an effect on HDI. (2) Together AHH, PK, RLS, AMA and HDI influence PE. (3) Partially, AHH and RLS have a positive effect on HDI. (4) Partially AHH, RLS, PK have a negative effect on PE. (5) HDI has a positive effect on Economic Growth. The conclusion of the study is that AHH, PK, RLS and AMA are driving factors for improving the quality of HDI and Economic Growth.

Keywords: Economic Growth, Human Development Index, Life Expectancy, Average Years of Schooling, Job Training


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