The Influence Of Green Financing, Money Supply, Renewable Energy Consumption And High-Tech Export Products On SDGS In Developing Countries


  • Ezri Chen Eunike Mendrofa
  • Taufiq Marwa
  • Ariodillah Hidayat


This study aims to analyze the influence of monetary instruments, renewable energy consumption, and high-tech exports on Sustainable Development Goals in Emerging Market countries. In this study, the author highlights the importance of sustainable monetary policy, green bond issuance, investment in renewable energy, and cooperation in high-tech exports as factors that can affect the achievement of sustainable development goals. This study uses panel data regression method with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) approach. The model used in this study is a fixed effect model to estimate the results of the research output. The results showed that money supply, renewable energy consumption had a positive and significant influence on the sustainable development goals index, while high-tech exports had a negative but significant influence on the sustainable development goals index. This research provides valuable insights for governments, researchers, and other stakeholders in developing policies and practices that support sustainable development in Emerging Market countries.


Keywords: Sustainable Development Index, Broad Money, Renewable Energi, High-technology exports.


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