The Influence Of Digital Literacy And Customer Satisfaction On Intention Repurchase In A Marketplaces


  • Dwi Fransiska Putri
  • Muhammad Bawono
  • Dyah Suswanti Respatiningtias


Digital literacy is the ability to utilize digital media such as online shopping, this ability is one of the factors in achieving customer satisfaction which can create repeat purchase intentions at a time.marketplace. This research aims to determine the influence PartialAndsimultaneousdigital literacy and customer satisfaction towards repurchase intentions at a timemarketplace. This research uses a quantitative method with a sample size of 84 respondents. Data collection was through observation and questionnaires using sampling techniquesnon-probability samplingwith methodpurposive sampling. Data analysis techniques use instrument tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing and coefficient of determination (R2). Based on testing the results of the t test, it was concluded that there was an influencePartialshows that digital literacy and customer satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on repurchase intentions in a companymarketplaceand the results of the F test concluded that there was an influence simultaneousshows that digital literacy and customer satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on repurchase intentions in a company marketplace.


Keywords: Digital Literacy, Customer Satisfaction, Repurchase Intention.


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