Bali: Economic Inequality, How Does Infrastructure Play A Role?


  • Rachma Krismonica
  • Agus Arifin


One of the most important elements in promoting economic growth is the development of infrastructure. The development of effective infrastructure will ensure efficiency, facilitate the movement of goods and services, and increase the value added of the economy. In addition, it will serve as a driver of regional productivity. The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of road length, number of electricity customers, number of educational facilities, and number of health facilities on economic inequality in Bali Province. This study uses secondary data obtained from various official sources, including the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and other relevant agencies. The analytical techniques used in this study are the Williamson Index and panel data. The results indicate that the number of electricity customers, the number of educational facilities, and the number of health facilities have a significant impact on economic inequality. This implies that increasing the infrastructure of these facilities can serve to reduce economic inequality. In contrast, the length of roads has a significant impact on economic inequality, although the effect is not particularly pronounced.

Keywords: Region, Economic Development, Infrastructure, Inequality


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