Technology-Based Learning Media In The Era Of Society 5.0: A Systematic Literature Review


  • Viviana Mayasari
  • Devani Laksmi Indyastuti


Society 5.0 is a concept that aims to improve human life by placing humans as the center of innovation (human-centered) through the development of the Internet of Things (IoT), big data, and artificial intelligence (AI). The digital era learning model utilizes technology as a learning media, providing students with broader access and opportunities to build their knowledge. The utilization of technology in education allows lecturers to plan and implement innovative and interactive learning models. This qualitative study utilizes the systematic literature review (SLR) technique to review and analyze research results on the same topic systematically. The complexity of people's living conditions in the era of Society 5.0 makes it not enough for students to have literacy and numeracy skills but also the ability to communicate, be creative, think critically, and collaborate. To achieve this, we need learning media standards that are relevant to Society 5.0, such as adaptive, innovative, personalized, flexible, and integrated with various innovative devices such as IoT, big data, and AI. In addition, it is supported by providing opportunities for students to interact with technology to support learning activities through attractive learning media.


Keywords: Learning Media, Society 5.0, Technology, Higher Education


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