Are The Link Between Institutional Quality, Human Development, And Poverty?


  • Unik Lestari
  • Suharno Suharno


This research investigates the influence of institutional quality and human development index  on poverty in ASEAN-5 Countries from 2015 to 2022. Using data from the World Governance Indicator (WGI) and World Bank. This study empirically examines how institutional quality factors, such as government effectiveness, political stability, and control of corruption, contribute to poverty reduction in ASEAN-5 countries. The findings show that the human development index, as a proxy for the quality of human resources, supports the reduction of poverty in ASEAN-5 Countries. Furthermore, the political stability and control off corruption have a negative and significant relationship with poverty. The government effectiveness, on the other hand, has no significant effect on the poverty. These findings can be used as the foundation for state government as the policymaker to solve poverty.


Keywords: Poverty, Institutional Quality, Human Development Index.


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