Sustainability: The Role Of Innovative Behavior, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Quality Of Work Life And Job Involvement
Organizational sustainability refers to an organization's capacity to endure and thrive over the long term. This includes not only financial sustainability but also environmental, social, and operational aspects, while OCB is activities of organization member that extent to which their behavior makes a positive overall contribution to the organization.The aim of this research is to find out the factors that play an important role in the emergence of OCB among employees. This study involves OCB, trust, and interpersonal communication. This study was conducted on account officer at the national financial institution in West Java area, totaling 121 employees using a survey method and quantitative approach, using a questionnaire as the main instrument. In this research, it was found that quality of work life and job involvement are factors that significantly influence Innovative Behavior and employee OCB. Strengthening QWL and job involvement will increase innovative behavior and OCB. In this research, it was also found that job involvement plays a role in mediating QWL on innovative behavior and OCB.
Keywords: Job Involvement; Innovative Behavior; OCB; Organizational Sustainability; Quality of Work Life.
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