Servqual And Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Methods In Event Organizer Services CV. Brother Indonesia
A superior factor that can become a competitive advantage is the quality of service the company provides to its customers. Service companies such as event organizers (EO) are companies that prioritize service. To determine strategies for improving service quality, you can use the service quality method. This measurement method measures service quality from the attributes of each dimension including reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and concrete evidence to obtain a gap value. The gap value is the difference between expectations and the actual service received. At the event organizer service company CV Brother Indonesia. Based on the research results, the proposed improvements given are related to the completeness of work supporting facilities and infrastructure, timeliness of the event, human resources, and problem-solving crew during the event which is still not satisfactory according to the client.
Keywords: Service Quality, Importance Performance Analysis, Event Organizer
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