The Influence Of Content Marketing Toward Customer Purchase Intention On Instagram


  • Yashinta Rosa Indriasantosa
  • Weni Novandari
  • Nur Choirul Afif


Nowadays, digitalization has become one of the product marketing processes commonly called digital marketing. Content marketing has become one of the strategies of digital marketing. This study aims to analyze the influence of content marketing toward customer purchase intention on Instagram @kuliner_purwokerto with customer engagement and brand identity as mediating variables. @kuliner_purwokerto is an Instagram account that promotes culinary MSMEs in Purwokerto through its content. The sample in this study consisted of 243 respondents who followed @kuliner_purwokerto on Instagram. Analysis of research results using SEM PLS. The analysis results show that content marketing has a significant effect on customer engagement and brand identity, customer engagement and brand identity have a significant effect on customer purchase intention, customer engagement and brand identity mediate the effect of content marketing on customer purchase intention. Furthermore, it can be concluded that content marketing affects customer purchase intention directly or indirectly. Later, the results of this study are expected to increase customer purchase intention for culinary in Purwokerto by intensifying content marketing so that it will be able to increase customer engagement and brand identity of culinary MSMEs in Purwokerto.

Keywords: Content Marketing, Customer Engagement, Brand Identity, Customer Purchase Intention


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