The Mediating Role Of Cyberloafing Behaviour On The Effect Of Work Stress On Employee Performance


  • Mella Fitri Handayani
  • Dwita Darmawati
  • Daryono Daryono
  • Dedi Rahmanto


This study aims to examine the effect of job stress on employee performance with cyberloafing behaviour as a mediating variable in employees of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury of Central Java. This study uses a quantitative approach method. The population used in this study were employees at the Directorate General of Treasury, Central Java Regional Office using non-probability sampling method. The number of respondents used in this study were 48 employees with data collection tools using a questionnaire distributed via google form using Likert's scale 1-5 for the measurement scale. The data analysis method in this study uses PLS-based SEM (Structural Equation Model) (Partial Least square) to test the four hypotheses proposed in this study. The results showed that work stress has a significant positive effect on cyberloafing behaviour, cyberloafing behaviour has a significant negative effect on, work stress has no effect on employee performance, and cyberloafing behaviour is able to mediate the effect of work stress on employee performance at DJPb Central Java Regional Office.

Keywords: work stress, cyberloafing behaviour, employee performance.


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